What’s Next (for PhD’s)
This workshop is specially for PhD’s in their last year. Do you already know what’s next? Continuing in Academia, or would you rather change to the Industry? In this workshop we touch base, see where you’re at, what’s possible and discover how ProActief can support you.
Next workshops
Location: Roetersstraat 25
Location: Roetersstraat 25
Location: Roetersstraat 25
Job hunting for PhDs
What's next after your PhD?
For who?
All PhDs who need some help landing their dream job and are interested in getting together with other PhDs.
Next workshop
Location: Roetersstraat 25
This module consists of 2 workshops, your application is for both at once:
Tu 24-09 ; 09.30-12.30
Tu 08-10 ; 13.30-16.30
End of Employment
What are your rights and duties while receiving unemployment benefit? How can ProActief assist you in your return to the labour market?
Only for UvA staff with a temporary employment contract, such as PhD candidates, postdoctoral researchers, lecturers with a temporary contract etc.
Next workshops
Location: Roetersstraat 25
Location: Roetersstraat 25