Annemarie Dooijes, career advisor
Supporting others to look together at 'where you can flourish' is what drives me in my work. I listen with an open mind 'which helps you develop confidence and perspective again and is also practically helped on your way'.
“Work is an incredibly important part of your life and you spend a lot of time there,” says Annemarie. With more than 35 years of expertise in recruitment and selection and career guidance, this professional knows what she is talking about. She quickly gets to the heart of the matter in a compassionate, practical manner with humor. Annemarie confronts, gives confidence and knows how to strike the right chord. She always finds it special to see how the people she coaches regain self-confidence, a new balance or a new job within or outside science.
Channah van Dootingh, career advisor
The nice thing about careers is that they never go up in a straight line. It's much more zigzag. You bump your nose, get insights and then you go in a different direction. I've been through that myself, so I know what people go through.
About 20 years ago, Channah got stuck in her work. She follows a career path and thinks: wow, I want this too! A career switch follows: from teacher to career advisor. She worked for many years as an independent trainer, coach and for a commercial training agency at the VU, before settling at ProActief UvA. Channah always looks for the essence: why do you do the things you do? Her positive approach is empathetic, clear, practical and future-oriented. She looks for creative perspectives, always includes vitality in her conversations and has a big heart for employees to let them 'shine'.”
Lisette Stuip, career advisor
What it's all about for me is that you take a step in discovering who you really are. What is deeper within you that is much more effortless than all those skills you have learned? The more effortless, the better! Then it's correct. I will look for that in the conversation.
Lisette is a born philosopher. After studying communications, she followed her heart and started working as a philosophy teacher after completing two master's degrees. From studies to various positions: she knows the UvA like no other. In between, Lisette spreads her wings in the commercial training world and takes the first steps in entrepreneurship. Yet the UvA continues to attract attention. The role of career advisor at ProActief UvA feels like coming home. Lisette exudes confidence, is a good listener and has the talent to hear the deeper things. Always looking for ways to do things just a little differently.
Marjolein Niehe, career advisor
It's nice to think along with people about what they think 'well, I can only do that in this position, right?' To translate that into how universal it is in a certain sense. How that can be used in other places. And at the same time bring out their uniqueness.
During the FNV career consultation hours, Marjolein takes the first steps towards career guidance. She is now a professional career advisor with a lot of labor market knowledge and experience, also at management level, in mobility. Marjolein coaches from the idea that 'every person is talent': How do you do things? What characterizes you? What can't you resist that you already did as a child, so to speak? Her own talent is to 'set people straight' and give them confidence that they really have something to contribute. Always solution-oriented. “If it works, do more of it. If it doesn't work, do it differently!'
Rik de Graaf, career advisor
I like to encourage people to look at things in a different way and see this as a two-way street. The first way in and the second way out. The way inside involves 'soul searching': What do I like? What am I good at? What do I find important?
Rik knows better than anyone what moves young people. After university, he first opts for a life full of adventure: travel, sports and working in the catering industry. From this 'school of life', Rik only found his place many years later and took the step towards coaching and training. He wishes everyone such an inner journey. Rik is an open, positive and accessible career advisor. He creates an accessible atmosphere, seeks depth and stimulates intuition. For Rik it is always about real contact. He shows himself and stands close. This makes it familiar for people to also show themselves. Rik remains a host, down to his very fibers.
Simone Schulp, career advisor
I want someone to get motivated to take small steps, to make a movement. And I'm always busy with: Who are you? Who do you want to become? What are the values in your life? And where do you want to go in your life?
With a backpack full of people-oriented work and life experience, Simone supports people in their personal development and career. Simone is an associative thinker, likes to be hands-on and touches people. 'Out of mind and feeling more' is her philosophy: 'this allows you to make better choices'. She knows how to empower her clients so that they take the steps towards fulfilling work. Simone has a fresh and creative view. Tells it like it is, is enthusiastic, pure and genuinely interested. She calls it 'just a kick, goosebumps' when she sees someone moving and experiencing a feeling of success.
Bianca Klupper, office manager
There is always commotion in the tent here. That dynamic environment with very different people makes it lively. Whether it is the candidate, the customer or my colleague, I can always help people. That's what I like about it!
In the role of Office Manager, Bianca is the support and source of the team. Bianca knows and arranges everything. Likes to roll up his sleeves, get things done and always comes up with a solution. As a go-getter with a healthy dose of curiosity, Bianca masters new material. On Mondays she likes to delve into 'numbers and Excel spreadsheets'. This way she keeps variety in her work. It is precisely that combination of people and figures that makes working at ProActief UvA never boring for Bianca. Bianca is a proud, cheerful person born and raised in Amsterdam and has been working for ProActief UvA almost from the start.
Ruerdje van Mierlo, director
ProActief UvA has everything it takes to inspire employees who work at the university or other knowledge institute to get the best out of themselves in their careers. This means: knowing what you can excel in, how to remain proactive and what is required for this.
Ruerdje enjoys working in the field of change and innovation within organizations. After various advisor and project management roles in profit and non-profit, she has built up a successful career practice. She has also been a board member for Research and Innovation at Noloc, the professional association for career professionals, for many years. Ruerdje has an enterprising spirit, is focused on collaboration, always looks at win-win and loves quality. A builder who focuses on innovation and development. Once a student of Cultural Anthropology at the UvA. Now back as director at ProActief UvA. 'In this role all lines come together.'