Would you like a better understanding of your own behavioural preferences and those of others?


For UvA staff and staff of other organisations, managers and teams who want to learn to assess people's behavioural preferences.  This understanding will enable you to meet people's personal needs better, to gain a better appreciation of the differences in others and to build mutual trust.


The DISC test is a test that gives insight into how you

  • deal with problems and challenges
  • motivate others and convince them of your viewpoint
  • deal with change in your environment
  • deal with rules, details and procedures.


  • Candidates complete the test online via their own home computer.
  • They then receive a report containing a complete and objective analysis.
  • This is followed by a session with a careers adviser on the results and interpretation of the test.


  • Deeper insight into own personality.
  • Improved ability to solve or prevent conflicts.
  • Ability to appreciate the differences in others.
  • Ability to work together more positively and effectively.
  • Better mutual communication.


Registration form


An online test and 1 meeting with careers adviser to discuss test results.

Group size



You can register using the registration form or contact us by telephone or email.

Your contact person

Bianca Klupper
Office manager
Tel: 020-214 1333
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.