Your employment contract will be ending soon.
The next step.


Exclusively for UvA - HvA staff with a (temporary) employment contract that has ended or is about to end: PhD candidates, postdocs, lecturers with a temporary contract et cetera.


  • Information about rights and duties during the unemployment benefit period
  • Information on the role of ProActief-UvA, UWV and Raet
  • Introduction to today’s labour market
  • Information on labour market skills to help you find new work
  • Information on workshops offered by ProActief UvA on how to approach the labour market




  • Insight into today’s labour market
  • Realistic picture of suitable career opportunities on the labour market
  • Making a convincing impression during job interviews and networking activities
  • Irresistible CV and effective application letter
  • Skills to help you find a job yourself


Registration form


Depends on the duration of the WW-/BWU benefit (Unemployment/University Unemployment benefit)

Group size

The workshops will take place in a group of three to eight participants


The UWV WERKbedrijf site tells you all you need to know about how to apply for unemployment benefit at your local UWV office and what you need to do concerning your unemployment benefit in the event of illness or pregnancy. You can search for job vacancies, tips and hints for writing application letters and your CV. The knowledge centre offers a lot of practical information about terms of employment, types of employment contract and labour costs.

You can also claim unemployment benefit under the Netherlands Universities Enhanced Unemployment Scheme (BWNU). This scheme is administered by Raet.

For more information, please contact Raet, dept. BPO benefit administration Noordwijkerhout, tel.: +31 (0)252 - 242 704, or write to: Raet, Antwoordnummer 12001, 2200 VD Noordwijkerhout