What are your rights and duties while receiving unemployment benefit? How can ProActief assist you in your return to the labour market?


Only for UvA staff with a temporary employment contract, such as PhD candidates,  postdoctoral researchers, lecturers with a temporary contract etc.


  • Information about rights and duties during the unemployment benefit period.
  • Information about the role of ProActief UvA, UWV and Raet: Who does what?
  • Information about workshops, individual coaching sessions at ProActief to support you in your search for new employment.


  • Awareness of your rights and duties during the unemployment benefit period.
  • You are fully informed about the assistance available from ProActief UvA to increase your skills on the labour market.


Registration form

Start next workshops

Wed 19 Feb09:30-12:30

Location: Roetersstraat 25

Mon 17 Mar13:30-16:30

Location: Roetersstraat 25


3 hour workshop

Group size

The workshops will take place in a group of three to eight participants.


You will be invited via an email from ProActief. We are sent your details by the P&O department of your faculty or unit. You can also register via the registration form or contact us by telephone or email.


Contact us for details.

Your contact person

Bianca Klupper
Office manager
Tel: 020-214 1333
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